Icono de Check

Use our 90+ sources to verify the information you need.

Do a SmartCHECK App

Select the source you wish to consult

We have a wide variety of sources that allow us to obtain accurate information about a vehicle, person or company.


Enter the necessary data to perform the query

Consult with the data according to the process you want to perform, for example, if it is a car you can use the license plate to know more information about that same vehicle.


Get all the information you were looking for

We provide you with all the information in an easy to read format so that you can verify that the data you need is correct.

Why use SmartCHECK App


Are you sure that the vehicle you are being sold is in compliance with all relevant regulations?


Can you attest that the person you are negotiating with is who they say they are? Or that they do not have a criminal record?


Is that company with which you are about to close that deal legally registered?

Secure all your processes

We know you can’t control what others do, but you can make sure you get all the information you need before making an important decision.